Monday, July 22, 2013

Laughter is the best medicine: Humor has great health benefits!

This blog was created to share information about how we can live healthier and happier lives by laughter.  Laughter is said to be a powerful antidote for pain, stress and conflict.

Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others and keeps you grounded, focused and alert.

Laughter triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

As a nurse, I always try to find humor in different situations.  For me, laughter is therapeutic.  I love to laugh and I try to make my patients laugh and smile even though they might not be in the mood to do so.  I know what laughter does for me, therefore, if I can make a few people laugh or smile, my job is halfway done.

Funny jokes, heart-warming/feel-good stories and pictures are welcomed to this blog.  Feel free to spread the laughter. 



  1. Great pic of the dog laughing.

    1. Yes, the dog and kitten pictures are precious. They made me smile instantly! I love silly animal photos! Thanks for sharing.

    2. The dog and cat pics are adorable. I have a chocolate lab that smiles every time we come home. It cracks us all up because he looks so goofy and sweet at the same time!

  2. The pictures exemplify your blog, “laughter & happiness"! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love the pictures. Does the job of making you laugh so is very therapeutic. This is definitely an area that we need to do more of. I look forward to learning more on your blog.


  4. Love the pictures, blog and the topic. This goes along with self-care and is educational too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I love all of the pictures, too. They make me smile back.

  5. I love the pictures! I can't help but smile as I am reading this blog page. I have already sent it to others just to know that they will smile too! Your topic reminds me of a friend I have who not so recently lost a spouse of many years. She is now able to smile when she recollects memories of him and is happier after sharing these thoughts out loud with laughter. Laughter and smiling are such powerful things and can help to ease us through difficult transitions in life.

  6. Ingrid,
    Laughter is something that is very hard to find in our profession, but it certainly is not impossible. I think people need to learn to be able to see the humor in certain situation. Who knows it may make things easier to cope with. Thank you for sharing your laughs with us.

  7. Ingrid,
    I recently heard a speech given by the late Jimmy Valvano who was suffering from cancer. He said (paraphrasing) it's a good day when you take the time to laugh, cry, and think. It was a great speech filled with the wisdom and perspective of a dying man passing on great words to live by...laughter is such an important part of our daily lives.

  8. I would suggest more color and a title bar to enhance the top section. Have fun,

  9. Ingrid,
    Very nice pictures. Looking at them makes me smile. Laughter is really the best medicine. When I was in elementary to high school I usually seek the laughter is the best medicine portion of the Reader's digest. Do you remember that?
    I find that humor usually diminishes tension and breaks the ice in the room. Although we need to use humor appropriately.

  10. I'd like to Thank all of my friends, family and classmates for the posts. Grace, Yes, I remember the, "Laughter is the best medicine" section in the Reader's Digest. Those were my favorite pages. I do believe that we must take the time to laugh, because a day without laughter is like a day without sunshine. Again, Thanks for the responses.

