Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Physical, Mental and Social Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is food for the soul. It gives us a sense of spiritual fullness and well-being.  Humor can help you keep a positive outlook during difficult or stressful situations or even in times of loss and disappointment.

Laughter has so many positive benefits. Laughter benefits us physically, mentally and socially.
Physical Health Benefits:   Boosts immunity
Lowers stress hormones
Decreases pain
Relaxes your muscles
Prevents heart disease
    Mental Health Benefits: 
        Adds joy and zest to life
        Eases anxiety and fear
        Relieves stress
        Improves mood
        Enhances resilience
           Social Benefits:                Strengthens relationships
      Attracts others to us   
      Enhances teamwork
      Helps defuse conflict
      Promotes group bonding

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